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What began as a poem, became a place of belonging...

About Wild Women Press

"To be ourselves causes us to be exiled by many others and yet to comply with what others want causes us to be exiled from ourselves.”

― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, 'Women Who Run With The Wolves'.

A word from Victoria Bennett, Founder of Wild Women (Press)

I founded Wild Women in 1999, to create a space for women to meet and share stories; a space where we could explore, create, dream, question, grow and and disrupt. My intention was to nurture as space where we could express ourselves authentically, and celebrate that beautiful, wild self. At the centre of the Wild Women Press ethos is this fundamental belief: when we live in the world as ourselves, what we create from that place is more powerful and more beautiful than we can ever imagine.

It saddens me greatly to see the rise in transphobia and divisive hate-language in women-only spaces, including some that use the 'wild women' name. That is not what I stand for, nor is it what this space stands for. So, as much as it saddens me that this needs to be said, I feel it is necessary to say to anyone who might need to know this: this space is a positive space. Wild Women welcomes all who find connection with this ethos, including cis-women, trans-women, non-binary and gender non-conforming people. In everything we do, we uphold the ethos of that original intention. We do not tolerate hate-speech or support divisive language, or attitudes that serve to shame, reject, or otherwise stigmatise another based on who they are. This is a community that celebrates the wild and beautiful stories we each hold - what connects us and what is wonderfully, wildly different.

Together, we hope to create a better world, thread by thread, seed by seed, word by word.

For now, I will continue to do the work that I do, and continue to raise up the stories of the wild wonderful women in this world, through the Wild Woman Web Spinners, Wild Women Writers' Salons and other online projects and spaces.

And, as Clarissa Pinkola Estés says, 

“... go out and let stories, that is life, happen to you, ... work with these stories ...water them with your blood and tears and your laughter till they bloom, till you yourself burst into bloom. That is the work. The only work.”

ps If you want to know what the Old-Timer Wild Women are up to now -- well, for those of us who have been here from the beginning, what began as a workshop group, has become a place we call home; a wild family. You will find us curled up beside fires, or walking along the edge of the sea, or tending the weeds in our gardens. We howl often, laugh lots, and when needed, bare our teeth. 

Wild Woman Life

Sporadic writing on a wild life -- from the founder of Wild Women Press


